The National Guardian’s Office and NHS England have published guidance for Integrated Care Boards to ensure speaking up routes are available for their own ICB staff and their primary care workers across the ICS.

ICBs should also consider how they will gain assurance that all NHS organisations across the ICS have accessible speaking up arrangements. This should be in line with the recently published Freedom to Speak Up guidance and policy  and demonstrate a consideration of the different barriers that workers face when speaking up, as well as any actions that can be taken to reduce those barriers.

The ICS appointment of an executive and non-executive lead for Freedom to Speak Up within your ICB will provide leadership for this work.

Once an ICB has appointed a Guardian through fair and open recruitment processes, please contact the National Guardian’s Office to access the appropriate training and support. (ICBs will need to consider the resources (time and support) that the Guardian will need to meet the needs of the workforce)

Please get in touch with us to share your learning and reflections nationally on implementing Freedom to Speak Up in an integrated setting.


Read the guidance