
We know overseas trained workers face additional barriers when it comes to speaking up.  Help us shed more light on your experiences by participating in our Speak Up review

Freedom to Speak Up Review for Overseas Trained Workers

Are you an overseas trained health worker working in the NHS?

Do you feel safe to speak up about concerns in your workplace?

We know overseas trained workers face additional barriers when it comes to speaking up.  Help us shed more light on your experiences by participating in our current Speak Up review

How you can participate:

We are offering three ways for workers to engage: a survey, focus group or one-to-one interviews.


The survey is open until 11:59 AM on Thursday, 3 October 2024.

  • It includes up to 45 questions, none of which are mandatory, and may take 15-20 minutes to complete.
  • Responses will be kept confidential and only recorded upon clicking the Done button at the end.
  • If you close the browser before submitting, your responses may be lost.

You can access the survey by clicking this link

Focus groups and one-to-one interviews

Focus groups are scheduled from the 10th to the 19th of September 2024. If you wish to attend, please contact us on [email protected] to book a session now.

Also, if you would like to speak to the review team but don’t feel comfortable doing so in a group setting, please get in touch with us on [email protected].   We will seek to arrange a one-to-one meeting with you.


For further information, please read this Participant Information Sheet 

Thank you for considering participating in this review. All responses will be kept confidential.


Two workers with their heads in their hands.