Speak Up Month 2024 logo - a green speech bubble with a line drawing of an ear and the words #Listen Up

Resources for Speak Up Month 2024

Speak Up Month is an opportunity to raise awareness and the difference which Freedom to Speak Up is making.

If you would like to be part of the national campaign, your contribution will be posted onto our website www.nationalguardian.org.uk and shared on our social media channels on Instagram, ThreadsX and LinkedIn. Please get in touch if you would like to get involved

We will use the hashtag #ListenUp in addition to our usual hashtag #FTSU

We would also like you to encourage colleagues to use the hashtag #HereToListen to show that we all have a responsibility to listen to one another

Below you can download some resources for Speak Up Month 2024.

We will continue to add materials as they are developed.

You are welcome to suggest any resources and we will do our best to help.

Catch up on the lunch and learn webinar

If you would like to access previous years' resources, please see below.

Speak Up Month 2022