This document updates our previous guidance and provides comprehensive guidance to assist Freedom to Speak Up guardians in accurately recording cases and consistently reporting case data to the National Guardian’s Office.
Freedom to Speak Up guardians are required to record all cases of speaking up that are raised with them.
The NGO collects data about the speaking up cases brought to Freedom to Speak Up guardians, to inform our understanding of themes and trends in speaking up. You can find out more about this and our annual data report here.
We have revised this guidance to meet the needs of Freedom to Speak Up guardians more effectively by enhancing the clarity, rationale, and accessibility of the guidance. We have also expanded the information regarding recording cases, including the characteristics of those speaking up.
The guidance also includes information on record keeping, confidentiality and information governance.
The revised guidance comes into effect on 1 April 2024. It applies to cases raised with Freedom to Speak Up guardians from this date onwards.