See the graphic below for an update on progress against the four recommendations: See a text only…...
About Speak Up Reviews
Speak up reviews seek to identify learning, recognise innovation and support improvement, and, ultimately, improve the experience of workers, patients, and the public.
We work with others to carry out reviews and promote and embed the learning.
We are currently updating our processes and key documents about our speak up reviews and will have more information about this in the coming months.
How we decide what to review
We are seeking to give as many workers as possible a voice in what we decide to review and, in doing so, aim to have as much impact as possible by focusing on areas of priority for workers.
We look at a range of indicators to inform our decisions as to what we review, including:
- Freedom to Speak Guardian Speaking Up Data
- Staff engagement data such as the NHS Staff Survey
- Information shared with the National Guardian’s Office
We are working with stakeholders to continue to improve the understanding of the speaking up landscape in healthcare in England.
Current Speak Up review
Overseas-trained workers make up a significant and growing portion of the healthcare workforce in England. However, our data and intelligence has raised concerns about the extent to which these workers feel free to speak up.
We are initiating a Speak Up Review to understand the speaking up experiences of overseas-trained workers , identify barriers and highlight examples of good and innovative practices. Our aim is to develop actionable recommendations out of this Review in order to improve policies and practices, fostering a more inclusive and supportive Speak Up culture throughout healthcare.
View the Terms of Reference for this Speak Up Review
Latest published Speak Up review
Our report following our Speak Up review into NHS ambulance trusts in England has now been published. We proposed this review in response to consistent findings that, despite their inspection ratings, the speaking up culture in NHS Ambulance Trusts tended to be more challenged compared to other trust types.
For more information about this Speak Up Review, please refer to the ambulance review terms of reference
Learning from reviews
The NGO has carried out case reviews where we received information to suggest that speaking up had not been handled in accordance with good practice. Where we found that good practice had not been followed, we recommended remedial action.
We have collated recommendations from the nine case review reports and grouped them thematically. To help with gap analysis, we have included a tool which Freedom to Speak Up Guardians and others responsible for speaking up in their organisations can use to review arrangements and develop plans and actions for improvement.
This can be used be used, along with other guidance published on the NGO website, as a self-review tool to identify and improve gaps in organisations’ speaking up arrangements, for the benefit of workers, their organisations and the people they support.
Published reports
The National Guardian’s Office carried out a Speak Up Review of NHS Ambulance Trusts in England to understand…...
The National Guardian’s Office received information indicating that a speaking up case may not have been handled following…...
The National Guardian’s Office undertook a review of the handling of two speaking up cases referred to it…...
The National Guardian’s Office reviewed the handling of two speaking up cases referred to it by workers from…...
In 2019, the National Guardian’s Office conducted a review of the speaking up processes, policies and culture at…...
In 2018, the National Guardian’s Office conducted a review of the speaking up processes, policies and culture at…...
In 2018, the National Guardian’s Office has conducted a review of the handling of speaking up cases at…...
In 2018, the National Guardian’s Office conducted a review of the handling of speaking up at Derbyshire Community…...
In September 2017 the National Guardian’s Office conducted a review of the speaking up policies, processes and culture…...
In August and September 2017 the National Guardian’s Office conducted a review of the speaking up processes, policies…...